
Review our expectations.

Our group is not open to the general public. It is our desire to provide classes for homeschooling students in a Christian environment. Therefore, families are invited and/or recommended based on personal connections. If you know a family that is interested and would be a good fit for MCA, please complete the referral form.

Part of our ministry is to provide a break for homeschooling mothers. We meet on Fridays at Francis Asbury United Methodist Church at 1800 E. North Street near downtown Greenville (close to I-385 S., Pleasantburg exit). We ask that you be punctual for drop off and pick up times. The students will be well supervised, and they are expected to be obedient and respectful to all authority. Those displaying inappropriate behavior/attitudes will not be allowed to continue in the group.

Each teacher will give details regarding his/her class. We will have an informational meeting prior to starting the school year at Francis Asbury UMC. Teachers will give out course requirements at that time. PLEASE NOTE: Some assignments must be completed BEFORE classes start. If you cannot make the meeting, you will need to contact the teacher(s) prior to the start of the school year.

We do not want any child to be left out due to financial restrictions. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need assistance.

On the registration form, you will be asked to verify that you have read and agree to comply with the MCA handbook.
Download Handbook

Car Line Procedures

Here are the instructions for carline for drop-off and pick-up for MCA. Please familiarize yourself with the instructions. Please share the information with anyone who will be dropping off or picking up your children at MCA.

****We want to be good neighbors and avoid blocking driveways or causing congestion in front of the residences in the neighborhood.

  1. Turn onto W. Circle Drive.Whether you come from E. North St. or Keith Drive, every car needs to turn onto W. Circle first.
  1. Turn onto Kendal Green.Those that are turning right onto Kendal Green, please be mindful of the drivers needing to turn left so that their line does not back up onto Keith.
  1. Turn left onto Perrinand then right into the parking lot. Once you turn onto Perrin Street – no cell phones until you exit the parking lot on Keith Drive – not even hands-free.Teen helpers are standing in the roadway on Perrin to assist with traffic and are also in the parking lot helping to load vehicles. Please follow their directions!

Delays sometimes occur and are often out of the control of the carline workers. Please do not take out your frustration on the people who are working so hard to keep your children safe and make the carline go smoothly. Your cooperation and patience is greatly appreciated. Please make sure to pass along these instructions to any and all individuals who will be responsible for picking up or dropping off your children. 

We need to unload and load 4-5 cars at a time. Please pull all the way up to the traffic director or the car in front of you so that we can quickly load the four families waiting in line on the sidewalk. The helpers have been instructed to wait until all cars have stopped moving before allowing kids to go toward their cars. After your kids are loaded, please do not drive off until directed to do so. 

If you need to help little ones with carseats or have another reason for delay, do not address it in the carline. Get your children in the car quickly and drive down to the lower lot and then pull over to the side and take your time getting people adjusted.

You must have your car tag in order to pick up students!! You will receive your car tag the night of the Parent Meeting. If multiple individuals will be picking up your student(s) during the course of the semester, please take a photo of your car tag and email or text it to those individuals.  Please have your car tag clearly visible in the passenger side window for the person standing at the edge of the lot during pick-up. This allows that person to text the name to personnel inside the building. (Cars with heavily tinted windows may need to roll down the window in order for the tag to be seen.) 

Following these procedures will allow the carline to flow quickly and smoothly.


Early Dismissal
If your child needs to be picked up early on Friday, please send an email prior to the appointed Friday letting us know what time your child(ren) will need to be picked up. If you were unable to email and need to contact us regarding early pick up, please text Jill Young (864-370-8030) and Mrs. Farr (864-979-7650) advising of the early pick up. When you arrive, park on Keith Drive near the mailbox and text Jill Young and Mrs. Farr and your children will be brought to your vehicle. Please allow 3-5 minutes after texting of your arrival for your children to be dismissed from their respective classes and brought to your vehicle.

Lunch Policies
Please review Lunch/snack guidelines as described in the handbook.  Several of our students have severe allergies to nuts/peanuts and we want to do our best to avoid an allergic reaction.  ****Students may not bring anything other than water to drink – no juice boxes, Capri Sun/juice pouches, sodas, etc.  Also, students should each have a labeled water bottle – the gymnasium does not have A/C or a water fountain (we will have coolers) and students will need to hydrate during and after PE class.  Please make sure that the water bottle is labeled with your child’s name and that the water bottle does not leak. Please do not send glass water bottles. There are water fountains in the Education Building where students may refill water bottles as needed.