Please register by May 15th.
K5-6th grade will be required to take the regular block of four 45-minute classes. Students in 7th+ grades can choose between several block options or selecting which classes they prefer.
K-3rd: Art, Music, Speech, and PE
4th-6th: IEW-A, PE, Art, SC History
Cost: $270 per semester and is due by June 1, 2024
7th grade students can choose between several block options.
7th+ A: IEW-B, SC History, PE, Art
7th+ B: IEW-B, Art, PE, Drama
7th+ C: IEW-B, SC History, PE, Drama
7th+ D: IEW-B, SC History, Drama, Art
7th+ E: Drama, SC History, PE, Art
Cost: $270 per semester and is due by June 1, 2024
8th+ graders are able to take the afternoon block of classes or select which classes they’d like to take. Please keep in mind that 8-12th grade students may take classes for partial or full high school credit! Please note carefully whether a class is a semester or full year class. All will be offered on Friday mornings and/or afternoons beginning in August 2024. High school students may pick and choose as many or as few classes as they like. Each class will have a set fee. Additional purchases of textbooks, notebooks, and workbooks are listed by each course below.
Most classes meet both semesters (10 weeks per semester) and include assignments for a full year (1 credit). Payment is due in full by June 1, 2024.
While grades and feedback on assignments, projects, papers and tests may be given, parents are responsible for final grades.
Classes meet on Fridays at Francis Asbury United Methodist Church 1800 E. North St in Greenville.
High School Art (1 Semester)-$175
Teacher: Mark Mulfinger
Cost: $175/semester (All materials provided.)
This class may be counted toward hours earning high school credit, but it will not include assignments for a full credit.
IEW-A (1 Semester)-$100
Teacher: Diana Cockrell
Cost: $100/semester
This level is designed to repeat multiple times for students in grades 4-6. The source texts change each year.
IEW-B (1 Semester)-$100
Teacher: Diana Cockrell
Cost: $100/semester
This level is typically for 7-8th grade students or 9th graders with no/little writing experience.
Spanish I-$325
When: 11:45 am-1:10 pm
Teacher: Rosa Myers
Cost: $325
Requirements: BJU Spanish I textbook (2nd edition)
Spanish II-$325
When: 9:15 am-10:40 am
Teacher: Rosa Myers
Cost: $325
Requirements: BJU Spanish II textbook (2nd edition)
Teacher: Diana Cockrell
Cost: $250
Requirements: Student must also work on a grammar program on his own. All materials will be provided.
Online format only!
Teacher: Bonnie Darnell
Cost: $375
Requirements: Apologia Biology - Textbook (3rd Ed.); Student Lab Notebook (3rd Ed.); Solutions and tests booklet. Each student must have a Gmail account to access assignments. Student must be in 8th grade or higher.
Students will receive daily assignments via Google Classroom, and we will meet virtually for 50-60 minutes twice a week (for approximately 28-30 weeks) for live lectures and Q&A sessions. For the virtual meetings we will use a platform such as Zoom or Google Meet which students will access through a link. The virtual sessions are not mandatory but are highly recommended. This is a high school level course and students are expected to meet the standards for a high school credit.
Hands-on labs are not included in the course cost. They are typically held at a separate time for an additional fee. Virtual labs are included with the course assignments.
Adv. Biology: Human Body-$375
Online format only!
Teacher: Bonnie Darnell
Cost: $375
Pre-requisite: Student must have completed a high school level Biology course.
Requirements: Apologia Advanced Biology: The Human Body text, Student Notebook, solutions/test booklet (2nd edtition). Optional - Kaplan Anatomy Coloring book (Fifth Ed.) Students must have a Gmail account in order to access their assignments.
Students will receive daily assignments through Google Classroom, and will meet virtually for 50-60 minutes twice per week (for approx. 28-30 weeks) for live lectures and Q&A sessions. We will use a platform such as Zoom or Google Meet for the virtual meetings. These sessions are not mandatory but are highly recommended.
Hands-on labs are not included in the cost of the course. These labs are typically held at a separate time for an additional fee. Virtual labs are included in the course assignments.
Health & Nutrition-$375
Teacher: Bonnie Darnell
Text: Apologia's Exploring Creation with Health and Nutrition 2nd Edition and the Health and Nutrition Student Notebook
Other requirements: internet access, headphones and a working web camera
Grade: Students must be mature 9th graders or older.
Description: This course is less intensive than other Apologia science courses with two 45-50 minute Zoom lectures and three assignments per week for 32 weeks. Final chapter regarding reproductive health will not be covered in class. Students will need to be prepared to actively participate and discuss topics and projects that are covered in the textbook/lab notebook.
Art (1 Semester)-$100
Teacher: Mark Mulfinger
Cost: $100/semester (All materials provided.)
PE (1 Semester)-$75
Teacher: TBD
Cost: $75/semester
This class may be counted toward hours earning high school credit, but it will not include assignments for a full credit.
Block Classes (1 Semester) -$270
K-3rd: Art, Music, Speech, and PE
4th-6th: IEW-A, PE, Art, SC History
The following blocks are available for 7th-12th.
7th+ A: IEW-B, SC History, PE, Art
7th+ B: IEW-B, Art, PE, Drama
7th+ C: IEW-B, SC History, PE, Drama
7th+ D: IEW-B, SC History, Drama, Art
7th+ E: Drama, SC History, PE, Art
Drama (1 Semester)-$75
When: Various times depending on grade
Teacher: Rena Stiekes
Cost: $75
SC History (1 Semester)-$75
When: Various times depending on grade
Teacher: Jennifer Bailey
Cost: $75
Personal Finance (1 Semester)-$200
When: 2:05-340 pm
Teacher: Charity McMullin
Cost: $200 (1 semester) Price includes book and 1 year video access.
Class size limited to 20 students. Another class will be offered second semester if more students want to take the course.